560141185 - Kawasaki

Certified Genuine Kawasaki Parts
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The spare monogram.reserv.g vn1 part number 560141185 is a genuine Kawasaki part which means it is exactly the same as the one mounted at the factory when the vehicle was new
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Original part number Kawasaki
Part Diagram Vehicle information Country Part diagram
1987 1500 VN1500-B1 California LABELS
1987 1500 VN1500-B1 United states LABELS
1987 1500 VN1500-B1 California LABELS
1987 1500 VN1500-B1 United states LABELS
1987 1500 VN1500-B1 California LABELS
1987 1500 VN1500-B1 United states LABELS
1987 1500 VN1500-B1 California LABELS
1987 1500 VN1500-B1 United states LABELS
1988 1500 VN1500-B2 United states LABELS
1988 1500 VN1500-B2 Canada LABELS
1988 1500 VN1500-B2 California LABELS
1988 1500 VN1500-B2 California LABELS
1988 1500 VN1500-B2 Canada LABELS
1988 1500 VN1500-B2 United states LABELS
1988 1500 VN1500-B2 California LABELS
1988 1500 VN1500-B2 Canada LABELS
1988 1500 VN1500-B2 United states LABELS
1988 1500 VN1500-B2 California LABELS
1988 1500 VN1500-B2 Canada LABELS
1988 1500 VN1500-B2 United states LABELS
1988 1500 VN1500-B2 Austria LABELS
1988 1500 VN1500-B2 Europe LABELS
1988 1500 VN1500-B2 Germany LABELS
1988 1500 VN1500-B2 Norway LABELS
1988 1500 VN1500-B2 Switzerland LABELS
1988 1500 VN1500-B2 United kingdom LABELS
1988 1500 VN1500-B2 Austria LABELS
1988 1500 VN1500-B2 Europe LABELS
1988 1500 VN1500-B2 Germany LABELS
1988 1500 VN1500-B2 Norway LABELS
1988 1500 VN1500-B2 Switzerland LABELS
1988 1500 VN1500-B2 United kingdom LABELS
1989 1500 VN1500-B3 Germany LABELS
1989 1500 VN1500-B3 Norway LABELS
1989 1500 VN1500-B3 Germany LABELS
1989 1500 VN1500-B3 Norway LABELS
1990 1500 VN1500-B4 California STICKER
1990 1500 VN1500-B4 United states STICKER
1990 1500 VN1500-B4 Austria LABELS
1990 1500 VN1500-B4 Europe LABELS
1990 1500 VN1500-B4 France LABELS
1990 1500 VN1500-B4 Germany LABELS
1990 1500 VN1500-B4 Italy LABELS
1990 1500 VN1500-B4 Norway LABELS
1990 1500 VN1500-B4 Sweden LABELS
1990 1500 VN1500-B4 Switzerland LABELS
1990 1500 VN1500-B4 United kingdom LABELS
1990 1500 VN1500-B4 Austria LABELS
1990 1500 VN1500-B4 Europe LABELS
1990 1500 VN1500-B4 France LABELS
Too many models compatible with this reference, some may not appear.